top visited museums in Turkey


Top Visited Museums in Turkey

Every year thousends toursits visit Turkey.So toursits come to Turkey for nature,some for history some prefer to beaches.But there are famous museums in Turkey.Many people like to visit museums so Tourism Travel Turkey team searched top famous museums in Turkey.According to The Culture Ministry's datas 29 ,5 millions toursits visit museums in 2014.About 20 million foreign and 9,5 domestic toursits prefered that museums.

1-Topkapı Palace Museum

Topkapı palace museum

After coonquered Costantinopolis Ottoman Empire's capital city changed and İstanbul become new capital city and Topkapı palace construction started in 1460 and finished in 1478.Ottoman Empire 
After Ottoman empire tv series domestic and foreign toursits visited
much Topkapı Palace.

2.Hagia Sophia Museum

hagia sophia museum

Hagia Sophia is holy for muslims and christians.Hagia Sophia was biggest temple in the world many years.Every day many toursits visit Hagia Sophia and it has really different and amazing atmosphere.Museum entrance price is 25 turkish lira.

3-Ephesus Ruins

ephesus ruins

Ephesus is one of the important tourism center in Turkey and especially church of Mary is hold for christians.Many papa visited there before too.

4-Goreme Open Air Museum


Cappadocia,Goreme and Urgup famous tourism center is in central Anatolia.Foreign and domestic toursits visit there every season.Foreign toursits especailly visit St. Barbara Church,Apple (Elmali) Church,Snake (Yilanli) Church,Dark Church (Karanlik Kilise),Carikli (Sandals) Church,Buckle (Tokali) Church.

5-Topkapı Palace Harem Museum

ottoman harem

After Magnificent century tv serie people curious about Ottoman empire family,sultans and harem.After than Harem museum become more popular and Harem apartments in Topkapı palace but neccesary another ticket for enterance.

6-St.Nicholas Church Museum (Santa Claus)

St.Nicholas Museum

St.Nicholas was a bishop in Myra.People liked him much and after he dead they gave hin rank of saint and consturcted a church.His 
tomb was in church but While crasuders some soldiers stole his some bones and took them to Bari.Another bones are in Antalya Museum.Santa Claus enterance is 15 Turkish Lira 

7-Myra Ruins

Myra rock tombs

Myra ruins are located in district Kale(Demre) in Antalya region.Myra was a Lycia city.Lycia period's tombs,antique theater are attentions domestic and foreign tourists.Every year many tourists visit there.Myra ruins enterance is 15 Turkish Lira 

8-Troya Ruins

Troya ruins

Troya is famous ancient city in the world.Troya  added world heritage centre bye UNESCO in 1998. Troya ancient city have nine layers so it show that about 3000 years age. First layer show that 3000-2500 BC Early Bronze Age.Last year belong to Roman Empire. First archaeological excavations made bye Heinrich Schliemann in 1871.

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8/08/2017 delete

These places are amazing! I never knew Turkey was such a magnificent place


