Top interesting Turkish traditions


Top Interesting Turkish Traditions

top interesting Turkish traditions

Turkey has a rich traditions.Some tradtions come from middle asia too.Today I will write about some Turkish tradtions maybe they can be interesting and strange for foreigns.We have different traditions for many situations.Our weddings, festivals, birth,ramadan..
Turkey travel team collected some interesting traditions for our followers.

  • Turkish people kiss their older people hands.Its a respect ritual.  It can be interesting because foreign people kiss woman's hands.But our different and we show our respects to older persons.
  • When our sons go to army( In Turkey when male 20 years old they join army, its duty for a year mostly) their family and friends created a celebration and dab henna their hairs.Its mean I grown up my son for motherland and he is my sacrifice for motherland.Motherland is holy for Turkish people.
  • Before ramadan and  sacrifice eid womans clean all home and make baklava for guests.Youngers visit olders and olders give money childrens.Childrens visit every home in their neighborhood and take sweets.Parents buy new clothes for kids and everybody wear news clothes in eids.
  • When couples have a baby, their family and friends visit and give presents.An older person say baby's name its ear and adhan.Baby can not go out 40 days and take bath               frequently.
  • Once upon a time our older person decided our marriage and mothers  go to Turkish bath for to look at bride.Than say her son I like a girl for you and we will go to see girl at home.Than they go and if they like go second time take permission for marriage.But these days everybody find their partner.But that tradition continue some regions in anatolia.
  • When go to permission for marriage bride make coffee but she add salt groom's cup.If groom drink, its mean he will be a good husband and will do everything for his wife.
  • When our relatives or friends go to hadj holy lands we visit them.When they come back they take presents for relatives and friends and we visit again for to celebrate their hadj.
  • When someone dead, their son or daughter call all of relatives and friends for funeral.Their neighboor bring meals their home. They do not cook in dead home just read Quran about 7 days than they make it after 40 days and 52th days.
I will continue to write about that subject especailly we have dfferent tradtions about weddings.They are interesting too.

I hope that will like and do not forget to share and drop comments

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Hi Dear Visitors.I'm Recep admin of this blog.Actually I'm Mechanical engineer but started to write that blog in 2015 for help foreigns,improve my English and try to show How Turkey is a wonderfull country with places,cities,culture,tradition,meals,life and people.Thanks for to read it and do not forget to drop comments.

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13 yorum

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7/07/2017 delete

I love reading about other cultures and this was very fascinating. A 3 - day wedding?!?! I had enough trouble planning a one day one. LOL

7/10/2017 delete

Wow turkey have such a nice culture its interesting

7/24/2017 delete

Thanks so much! I had no idea about this lovely traditions. I like that respect is given to elders!
Best, Lisa

7/24/2017 delete

Good to read this article.. Traditions are almost similar to Indian traditions.. The marriage, the death, the baby etc

7/24/2017 delete

Hey this is actually really interesting! I studied anthropology and loved learning about different traditions and this is no different.

7/24/2017 delete

Turkish culture sounds so rich and respectful. I admire it!

7/24/2017 delete

interesting and beautiful country, thanks for sharing with us

7/24/2017 delete

wow... it's very interesting to know about turkish traditions.. It's quite similar to our traditions.

7/24/2017 delete

Some great info on this, thanks for sharing

7/24/2017 delete

I love Turkey... Wish to visit that country someday

7/25/2017 delete

I enjoyed reading this very much it was a very interesting and insightful article. Thank you for sharing.

7/25/2017 delete

Thank you for sharing! It is was an interesting post.

7/25/2017 delete

I would love to visit Turkey some day!


