black rose of turkey


Black Rose of Turkey

the black rosa of turkey
I m sure that we saw red,yellow,pink,
white roses but when I  say black rose
many people can think that ıts a joke.
Yeha there are natural black rose in the word and just grown in Turkey.
The black rose grown in Halfeti.
Halfeti is district of Şanlıurfa in 
southeast Anatolia.Black rose just grown in Halfeti, when moved another place their color change become red.Its really interesting that black rose just grown in Halfeti in Turkey.

Features of Black Rose

The balck rose was first collected from Halfeti in 1888 by the German pharmacist and plant collector Paul Sintenis but introduced to the world of science by Speta in 1977.The black rose, which lost 116 years, was rediscovered for the second time with this work.
For the first time this rose is collected from Mesopotamia and is known only to this region, so it takes its name from the region and is called "Mesopotamia hyacinth"It is an endemic plant that grows only in Halfeti inTurkey  all over the world.

Climate, soil, humidity making a special rose in Halfeti.Black rose 
blossom second times in a year.In Spring and autumn seasons black rose blossoms and grown about 6-7 cantimeters diamaters.Black rose grown up about 1-1,5 meters tall.When cut its flowers it's color change too.

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Hi Dear Visitors.I'm Recep admin of this blog.Actually I'm Mechanical engineer but started to write that blog in 2015 for help foreigns,improve my English and try to show How Turkey is a wonderfull country with places,cities,culture,tradition,meals,life and people.Thanks for to read it and do not forget to drop comments.

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9 yorum

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6/12/2017 delete

Amazing! I hope to visit Turkey in the next year and have added black rose spotting to my 'must do' list

6/13/2017 delete

I've never seen a black rose in my life but I'm sure this does look beautiful when I see it on my own eyes! It's an interesting fact that the color changes too when you cut it!

6/13/2017 delete

I didn't know black rose! It'amazing! it changes depends on the place! It's really interesting!

6/13/2017 delete

What! I had no idea you could get a black rose! Thats incredible...although I'm not sure I'd like them in my garden but I would love to see them.

6/13/2017 delete

The black rose really looks so beautiful and exotic. Loved reading about the fascinating history of the black rose. Also how it has been rediscovered by the world.

6/13/2017 delete

Wow! This is so unique! I'm not a fan of roses, too cliche, but I think this black rose might be an exception!

6/14/2017 delete

I've never seen a black rose! It's so beautiful.Thank you for sharing this.

6/16/2017 delete

Oh I so love black roses. I am so glad there is such a thing! - Tahna

11/19/2017 delete

Crazy it only grows black in Turkey, never knew there even was such a thing!


