Most famous Quotes About Ataturk


Most famous Quotes About Ataturk

Turkish republic fonder Ataturk
Atatürk is founder of modern Turkish Republic.He is 
important for Turkish nation.After Ottoman Empire lose 
World War I ,imperialist nations attacked Ottoman,Anatolia and Turkish nations.He believed Turkish nations and started 
independence war with his commander friends and Turkish nations.They showed that Turkish's power again all of the world and enemy armies.
After destroyed enemy armies he did not stop,started to
reforms.Turkish people accept that he is leader teacher for 
Turkish nations.Turkish people never forget him and his achievements.

He was biggest leader in his age and many famous person accept it and there are many famous quotes about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk so I will write about that quotes.

We meet genius people very rarely in centuries.  It is so unlucky that, in this century that great genius person belongs to the Turkish Nation. 
The centuries rarely produce a genius. Look at this bad luck of ours, that great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation.
D. Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Mustafa Kemal was not a socialist. But it can be perceived that he is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader. He is carrying out a war of independence against those plunderers. I am believing that he will break the pride of the imperialists and that he will beat the Sultan together with his friends. ( 1921 )
Vladimir llyich LENIN, Leader of the Russian Revolution

When our essence was a spark that grew pale, with his look, we became like a sun that illuminates and envelops the world. 
Ikbal (National Poet of Pakistan)

The death of Atatürk, who saved Turkey during the war and revived the Turkish nation, is not only a loss for his country, but it is also a great loss for Europe. The sincere tears that people from all classes have shed, are nothing more then the true reflection of this great man - the Father of the modern Turkey. 
The sincere tears shed after him by all classes of people is nothing other than an appropriate manifestation to this great hero and modern Turkey's Ata.
Winston CHURCHILL, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1938)

In the life of a nation it is very seldom that changes to such a radical degree were carried out in such a short period of time... Without a doubt, those who have done these extraordinary activities have earned the attributes of a great man in the complete sense of the word. And because of this, Turkey can be proud of itself. (October 31, 1933)
Eleutherios Venizelos, Prime Minister of Greece

He was not only a great man for Turkey, but he was also a great leader for the Eastern People.
Emanullah HAN (Afghan King)

After the signing of the Ankara Treaty with the new Turkish State, French Prime Minister stated to the Assembly, “he has betrayed us, he has come to terms with wild brigands, with Mustafa Kemal followers: The ones that you named wild brigands the hero Mustafa Kemal and all his soldiers, had they been here, we would have erected their statues one by one. I’m proud to have signed such an heroic treaty. (1921)
French Prime Minister BRIAND

The work that Ataturk has achieved, with intelligent and peaceful methods, will leave traces in the history of mankind.
Albert LEBRUN (French President)

Newspaper's Quotes About Ataturk

England salutes the great man, that England has known first as a brave and noble enemy, then as a faithful friend. Sunday Times

Atatürk was a head, which waved like a Turkish Flag in the Turkish People’s soul. Daily Telegraph

Germany is amazed with Atatürk’s work and struggle. It sees in him, his historic monument, a powerful figure that will stay as a symbol for all the people who love freedom.
Berlin, German Agency

One of the most talented leaders of the after war period ...New York Times

The man who hanged the centuries!... France, Paris media

He was a man of great ideas, a state architect. Neue Freie Presse, Vienna

Atatürk is the only statesman who has served his people in that magnitude, in such a short time.
Libre Belgique Journal

No country has reached a strong and speedy modernization movement from the root, as was achieved by the Father of the New Turkey.Bulgarian Dness Journal

Ataturk is an elder and father of the entire Asian continent...Chinese Press

The people of China, we all are in mourning with Turkey. The death of the leader of a great nation, who was much loved by the Turkish people, has not only left an emptiness and void for Turkey, but also for our continent, and the world......Chinese Press

Atatürk was the giant-like sign of character and talent. He was the man who created the twentieth century’s most splendid event.....National Tidence Journal (Denmark)

He was one of the most extraordinary persons of the era, even perhaps of entire history. Egyptian Journal

Atatürk was an extraordinarily talented statesman, one of the most important figures of post-war history.
Hufvud Stadbladet Journal (Finland)

Atatürk will remain as one of the greatest men of his country in history. Le Morgen Bladet Journal (Norway)

There is no domain where his creative and vivacious patriotism has not got into action.Gazeta Polska(poland)

Atatürk will remain in history as a genius organizer, a people’s ruler creating miracles, and a saviour of his country. Independence Romaine Journal (12 November 1938)(Romania)

Atatürk ranks the first amongst the rulers who have saved a people with an unshaken will from the edge of the precipice, strengthened and lifted them. Timpul Journal (12 November 1938) (Romania)

In order to show a part of Kemal Atatürk’s character, I want to make a point. He was relating one of his wars. Suddenly he stopped: you see, he said: I’ve won many victories. But even after the greatest of them each night, I feel a deep sorrow inside of me by thinking about all the soldiers who died in the battlefield. Could one be amazed about the chief who has created miracles to his country, other then his courage and intelligence, to have such a great heart?
George BENNES - Vu Journal (1938)

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