History of Beylerbeyi Palace
Beylerbeyi Palace Built by Sultan Abdülaziz for to guest statesmen.Chief architect Sarkis Balyan was leader of that project and it finished in 1865.Beylerbeyei palace is rectangular style building and about 2500 square meters.There are 6 halls, 24 rooms, 1 Turkish hamam and 1 bathroom.Palace was consturcted mixture of Turkish and western style there are 2 layout at Palace,south side organized Mabeyn apartments and north side organized Valide Sultan apartments.

Where is Beylerbeyi Palace
İt is only one of Ottoman Palace in Anatolian part.Beylerbeyi palace is in border of Üsküdar district.People called that area Beylerbeyi.You can reach Üsküdar from the pier about 3.5 kilometers away by foot from the coastal road.İf come from Europian part you will see Palace near Bosphorus Bridge.
You will spend good time in Palace, Beylerbeyi palace have amazing view and historical atmosphere take you in 1850s.While having breakfast in garden will watch amazing Bosphorus view and ships with Bosphorus Bridge.
Visiting Days and Hours: Except Mondays and Thursdays, they are open every day between 09: 00-16: 30 (Winter time application), 09: 00-17: 00 (Summer time application) hours.
Entry price 20 Türkish Lira and must pay for garden too but its just1-2 turkish lira.