Does ISIS Muslims
- They organized a bombed attack on Mecca and Medina.(That cities holy for muslims)
- They declared that they will destroy Kaaba.(Muslims accept that Kaaba is house of God so its holy and muslims visit there for hadj)
- They think that they are just muslims and anothers not.
- They organized bombed attack on Ankara ,İstanbul and Diyarbakır and killed innocent muslims and people.Turkey is protector of Muslims so they are attacking Turkey.
- They promised that they will not attack to Israel and declared that will destroy Hamas (Hamas is a organization which trying for freedom Palestine. All of muslism do not like Israel governments behaviours)
- They are just killed muslims and hurts Islam lands and governments and trying to creat sect wars.
- Famous CIA agent Snowden said to ISIS have been jointly established by the United States of America and Israel.
- Some American statesman said that ISIS is project of USA
Now who can believe that they are muslims or working for muslims.
Why they need ISIS project.
When we search history , can see that they need a reason for war and need reason for to bring democracy and peace.When USA declared war to Iraq they said that there are nuclear weapons in there and they said that we bring democracy.Finally we see that still people dying in Iraq everyday and they are missing Saddam's ages.
Another example El Kaide terror organization I can not believe that they will destroy twice towards it was just a plan for to start war.
Now someone using ISIS for to protect Israel and trying to show that all of muslims terrorists.İf you want to get rid of mosquitos creat a swamp far from your home.