Terrorist Military Coup and Tourism


  Terrorist Military Coup and Tourism

When I saw that news I decided to write about that subject I saw that '' do not go to Turkey becasue Erdogan earn money '' That is electronic billboard writing on Austria airport.I really can't understand people they tried and military coup with terrorsit organization when they be unsuccessful now changed war way now using economical putsch but they do not konw that Turkey is not weak anymore.We product our projets, our economical prevention.

Anyway after 4, 5 days from military coup everything was same but some countries finished flights and we can understand them because they do not know what happened in Turkey and Europian media did not give true information for example there were 5 million people at democracy meeting but some Europian newspaper said that about hundred thousand people at the same time said that Erdogan become dictator but they did not want to see another opposition leaders because they were at taht democracy meeting and they said that support leagl gowerment and democracy.

When we restored our relations with Russia Putin allow for tourism and its good development but after trying military coup its stay in half but these days again started after Putin Erdogan meeting so Russian toursits can see that everything is become normal in Turkey and Turkish agents have very economical alternatives.Everything is under legal goverment control so do not afraid to visit Turkey.

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Hi Dear Visitors.I'm Recep admin of this blog.Actually I'm Mechanical engineer but started to write that blog in 2015 for help foreigns,improve my English and try to show How Turkey is a wonderfull country with places,cities,culture,tradition,meals,life and people.Thanks for to read it and do not forget to drop comments.

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